Thursday, August 5, 2010


I'm not going to lie, it sucks every Monday through Friday when I have to drop Bubby off with the babysitter. It has gotten easier since he was just a wee little babe but still hard none the less. Its not fair to him that he has to spend 10 hours a day with someone while I only work an 8 hour shift. But it is what it is and some day (hopefully sooner then later) he will not have go with some one else for 10 hours. Or sit in traffic to get there and to get back home. And we can spend our days together....

As I pulled up to my babysitter's house this morning she was out watering her potted plants in her driveway and front porch. Bub gets out of the car and is happy to see her and show her his truck of the day. I put his bag inside the house and come back out to kiss him and wish him a good day. I hop back in my car and pull out of her driveay and Bubby comes running to the edge of her yard screaming "BYE MOMMA!!!!" and waving his little arm so hard! I shout out the window "BYE BUBBY! I LOVE YOU!" in return and blow him a kiss, check my rear view mirrors to make sure he runs back to the front porch and realize I don't have a baby anymore but a little boy.

So I will keep counting the days till I no longer have to be a slave to a desk and push papers around and instead be at home with the our children, doing fun things and learning new stuff and not getting juice and fruit snacks all day! Hopefully sooner then later....

Friday, May 28, 2010

Things that I'm not very good at.....

  • updating my blog. Sorry, between working full time and home and trying to tackle an online class, there isn't much extra time. Very jealous of those that post once or twice a week with pictures! I envy your time management skills!
  • picking out wedding pictures. Perhaps we will get our wedding album back by our first anniversary. You try to near over 1,500 pictures to 500 and 60 for prints and an album! Almost done though! So hopefully soon! And we want to purchase some bigger prints to frame!
  • taking pictures. Not that I don't take bad pictures, just taking pictures in general. I only have like five pictures I took from Cabo last weekend. I will take more this weekend at the river! And hopefully post them in a timely manner!
  • uploading pictures! Yes I do have tons of pictures but they sit on my camera's memory card for months! Mostly because my card is huge that I don't' need to take off pictures all the time.
  • scrapbooking. I got loads of stuff for Christmas but haven't made any time to sit down and do it. But this goes hand in hand with not taking pictures, or uploading or having any extra time in general.
  • visiting Chris. She's home now and I haven't been to see her once. How very bad of me! But with Caleb being sick so much this winter/spring, I didn't want to risk spreading anything to her since she is vulnerable now. Next month I want to set up a couple "dates" to visit with her for a few hours.

My iPod broke last week and do you know that you have to have an appointment to have it checked out??? Luckily my nano still works and is proving to be a good backup until I have time to actually make said appointment for the Apple genious to look at my iPod. Plus I have like 20 old cd's in my car that are getting replayed. Maybe I should just look into getting my satelite radio working again for my car.

And a Caleb update: We have hit the terrible twos! Meltdowns happen at least twice every night! Doctor said we should try to get him to stop sucking his thumb now so that is going pretty good. Learning new words everyday and is a typical boy. If you lay on the floor he likes to fall on your stomach or back. He says "Ready? One, two..." then goes for it. He has no fear of anything! Swim class is going great! I like that he isn't afraid of the water, I saw another class before his and the boys would dive underwater for toys. It was still the parent and me class so the boys couldn't be older then 3. Can't wait till Caleb can do that to!! He already kicks under water when I pass him to the instructor underwater. He will have fun at the river this weekend! First time for us this season!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Can't fix stupid.....

Wow, do I feel dumb! And by dumb, I mean DUM. I can't believe that in my post from THURSDAY, I misspelled THURSDAY not once but TWICE! I guess next time I shouldn't rush through my post trying to finish it before I leave work.

Anyways, I wanted to apologize to the few family and friends that read this blog and expect pictures. Yeah, picture taking has not been on my list of priorities lately. Mainly because we haven't done much but yet never seem like we are at home. It's March and my Christmas decorations are skewed all over our spare bedroom still. But that can't last for much longer because we finally bought our BED!!! So our bed right now will go into the spare room and the box spring and frame in that room will get junked. I can't wait for Friday when it gets delivered! Friday is also the day when I get my wisdom teeth yanked out of my head. Oh the pain will finally be gone. The things I look forward to now as an bed and no more wisdom teeth.

Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Three for Thrusday

This blog carnival is truly as easy as it sounds...Each week, The (Un)Experienced Mom and I will pick a category, then ask you to share your Top 3 thoughts on it. We hope you'll play along with us!

This week, we want to know...

What are your Top 3 favorite things about spring?

3.) Warmer weather! I love wearing my uggs, but I'm so ready to get pedis and wear flippy flops! Beyond ready! I'm tired of wearing jeans! I want to wear my capris, shorts, skirts, dresses, dare I say...bikinis! Not going to happen this weekend when I'm all bundled up on the slopes for snowboard lessons. (Thank you hunny, I look forward to being sore for a whole week just to hang out with you! Maybe next time we can go to Glen Ivy when we want a date day???)

2.) Strawberries. Probably one of the reasons I will never leave Californai, fresh picked strawberries. I hate paying the (gasp!!!) $5.00 for a pound, picked in Mexico strawberries! Soon they will be cheap and I can buy a flat and eat them all day long instead of savoring a few in my yogurt in the mornings.

1.) MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Well, not all mine anymore! All thanks to that little guy up at the top of the post. (Seriously, why doesn't blogger work properly for me at work??? I can't for the life of me get the picture down here!!!!) Yes, he came in all in hurry almost two years ago on my birthday and took all my glory. But I'll share, he's too darn cute not too! Plannig on taking the trailer down to the beach to spend the day and have a bonfire at night the Saturday after our birthday! But for my birthday, I get to join two wonderful girls for an overnight trip to Vegas to MUSE!!!! 3 crazy girls in Vegas, no husbands, no kids, no dogs.....we might leave it burnt down to the ground!

Thanks Elizabeth and the (Un)Experience Mom for the Thrusday Meme!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

Confessions from a Working Mom
Truthful Tuesday time and Elizabeth's has a good question for today......
What's the best excuse you've ever used to get out of an obligation, like work, school, or chores? (And did you get away with it?)
Once I read the question I already knew my answer. It just happens to be the same answer Elizabeth went with too - Sick baby and no sleep for mom excuse!
I may or may not over use this excuse. But it works because technically YOU aren't sick so there is no faking it the next day! I usually say teething and he didn't sleep but I do mix it up and say sick too. It's fun to stay home with Bubby and play, go to the park, do a little Target shopping during the week day when only other SAHM are there. Even get to watch a little daytime TV when he goes down for a nap.
I've also used the "been in the bathroom all night" excuse too. Every body's been there and understands what you mean but nobody really asks questions. Perfect for getting out of work on a Monday, blame it on the food at a new restaurant you tried over the weekend.
I guess you can say I play hookie a lot, before Justin and I had Caleb we would call in sick together, then go to the beach with the dog for the day.....oh how I wish I could have one of those days again! My job has never been my life and I do have a very strong work ethic but sometimes you just need a break and have some fun during the week when everyone else is at work!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Round Two

Time for my second attempt at Mama M's Friday meme 5 question Friday( Clinky on her link for all the info!

Here we go....
1. What is better, growing old with out money or dying young and wealthy?
What I'm doing right now...growing old without money! Mitch Albom's book Have a Little Faith had a great theory about this: When a man has money and can buy whatever he wants, what does he do? He only wants more...which eventually leads to destruction. But by being thankful for what you have, you are richer then the wealthiest man. There was more to the whole story, I think it was my favorite part of the book! Pick up this book! Regardless of what your religion is, I think everyone can understand the message.
2. Who takes out the garbage at your house?
JUSTIN! Except I will when he is working, like today, in the rain. He told me to do last night but with the wind howling like it was last night, I was not going outside! Plus, our house faces a lake, and our street is very dark at night, which scares me to death! It was better since all the trash cans that were put out last night had blown over and now my street looks like a dump.
3. Have you ever had the same dream many times?
I'm not sure, I do have a dream that feels like I'm falling and before I hit the ground, I wake up felling like I fell into my bed. But I only remember falling and it's so fast. I do often wake up from dreams and think "My, that sure did feel reality!" only for months to past and something happens that makes me say "Wow, this feels like I've done this before" realizing that I had an eerily similar dream of the same event.
4. Can you play a musical instrument?
Nope, can't even sing! I was not blessed with any musical ability at all.
5. If you owned your own store, what would you sell?
I would love to open a store dedicated to boys clothes. I'm sorry but I detest all the boy baby clothes! Blues with trains and fire engines and footballs and baseballs! Yuck! That is not my taste at all! As Bubby is getting bigger, the clothes are getting better but not by much! I would like to open a store with skater styles clothes for a newborn through school aged boys. Maybe someday I'll learn how to sew so I can make my own clothes!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Just let go....

Confessions from a Working Mom

How has motherhood taught you to let go?

When I returned to work, a coworker, whose daughter recently gave birth also, let me borrow this book to read. I immediatly stopped comparing myself to other moms, new and old. I realized that I am not a "perfect" Ami so how can I be the "perfect" mom (and to-be wife at that time). Instead, I realize that I can do all that I can do and that's all I can do. I let go of cleaning the house every weekend. I used to spend Saturday or Sunday mornings cleaning before Caleb, and if we weren't home I'd do it during the week after work. Now, I don't have time to clean during the week (nor do I want to after my commute and working all day and cooking dinner) so I make sure the kitchen is always wiped down after dinner and Justin will vaccum up the dog hair where she lays all day. On the weekends (when we are home) Justin and I tag team the house, with him vaccuming, mopping and helping with laudry, and I clean the kitchen, bathrooms, dust and laundry. Usually with a couple of hours we are done and can enjoy our weekend. And if we are going away for the weekend or have plans, well the house will have to wait. My family is way more important.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Five Questions Friday

Trying out Five Question Friday from Mama M (I hate that I can't change that at work, but I guess I shouldn't be blogging at work, right?) since I haven't had time to do a Truthful Tuesday the past couple weeks. So here it goes....
Questions for 1/15/10:
1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager?
Bad grades??? What can I say, I was a good kid!
2. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night please! I would love to stay up to midnight but since I have to get up so I early, I can't. Which then to me into a grumpy morning person till about an hour after I get to work. Pretty good on the weekends, unless Justin wakes up at 6 am since he is a morning person.
3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter?
Two hands for sure, it's easier that way on my Blackberry. But when I'm driving its one handed, but it's illegal so I don't do that ;)!
4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is).
Can I say none of the above??? I really hate politics and politicians. I wish they would support the actual voters instead the companies that supply them with money. They are all out for their own necks. I liked Ron Paul, who ran for the republican nominee for president, but he didn't get far. Hope he tries again!
5. Are you a pet person?
Yes! Marlie was our first child. Even though she is from Justin's first marriage (does that make her my step-daughter?) I still consider her my dog. We want another dog but Marlie is just so darn good that we don't want to go through the puppy phase! And I want a cat! Justin says he'll train Marlie to eat it. Maybe someday! I think I can only handle cats and dogs though. I had a lizard as a kid but it died. Feeding it crickets was kind of disgusting!

So that wasn't too bad, let's see if I remember to do this again next week!