Friday, May 28, 2010

Things that I'm not very good at.....

  • updating my blog. Sorry, between working full time and home and trying to tackle an online class, there isn't much extra time. Very jealous of those that post once or twice a week with pictures! I envy your time management skills!
  • picking out wedding pictures. Perhaps we will get our wedding album back by our first anniversary. You try to near over 1,500 pictures to 500 and 60 for prints and an album! Almost done though! So hopefully soon! And we want to purchase some bigger prints to frame!
  • taking pictures. Not that I don't take bad pictures, just taking pictures in general. I only have like five pictures I took from Cabo last weekend. I will take more this weekend at the river! And hopefully post them in a timely manner!
  • uploading pictures! Yes I do have tons of pictures but they sit on my camera's memory card for months! Mostly because my card is huge that I don't' need to take off pictures all the time.
  • scrapbooking. I got loads of stuff for Christmas but haven't made any time to sit down and do it. But this goes hand in hand with not taking pictures, or uploading or having any extra time in general.
  • visiting Chris. She's home now and I haven't been to see her once. How very bad of me! But with Caleb being sick so much this winter/spring, I didn't want to risk spreading anything to her since she is vulnerable now. Next month I want to set up a couple "dates" to visit with her for a few hours.

My iPod broke last week and do you know that you have to have an appointment to have it checked out??? Luckily my nano still works and is proving to be a good backup until I have time to actually make said appointment for the Apple genious to look at my iPod. Plus I have like 20 old cd's in my car that are getting replayed. Maybe I should just look into getting my satelite radio working again for my car.

And a Caleb update: We have hit the terrible twos! Meltdowns happen at least twice every night! Doctor said we should try to get him to stop sucking his thumb now so that is going pretty good. Learning new words everyday and is a typical boy. If you lay on the floor he likes to fall on your stomach or back. He says "Ready? One, two..." then goes for it. He has no fear of anything! Swim class is going great! I like that he isn't afraid of the water, I saw another class before his and the boys would dive underwater for toys. It was still the parent and me class so the boys couldn't be older then 3. Can't wait till Caleb can do that to!! He already kicks under water when I pass him to the instructor underwater. He will have fun at the river this weekend! First time for us this season!