Saturday, September 20, 2008

Engagement Party

On August 16, my dad and Sharon through a party for Justin and I to announce our engagement. Caleb slept through most of the night.
Here's Justin and I while my dad was giving a speech.
Thanks Dad and Sharon for the party! It was a blast!
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Highchair Fun

What a face! While we eat dinner Caleb likes to play in his high chair. He likes to eat his cereal and bananas in his highchair too.This was after some cereal and a bottle. He was asleep but by the time I got the camera out he found his thumb and woke up.

This was just the other night. While I was doing the dishes he was smiling and laughing at me in his highchair. He likes to try to reach for the butterfly. He can touch it but his arms are still a little short to move it around.

Tummy Time

Our sleeping baby! Now that Caleb has learned to roll himself over he likes to sleep on his tummy. When I go in his room to wake him up in the morning he lifts his head up and gives me the biggest smile!
Caleb can't sit still anymore. He loves to roll around on his blanket and watch tv with us and drool of course. We think he is teething big time. Hopefully his teeth will come in sooner then later!

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