Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Few Christmas Pictures

Since I'm a little behind in posting, I thought I take a quick minute to post some pictures of what we've been up to this month.
Here's Caleb with the train that Justin's mom bought to go around the tree! Caleb was very excited about the big box!

Here's Caleb with Santa at my dad's house. We had fun on the parade but since I drove I didn't take a whole lot of pictures.
On Tuesday night I decorated Christmas cookies with Danielle, Wendy, Theresa and Danielle's family. It was fun. I think Santa ate one of the cookies when he came on Christmas!
Christmas Eve we went to Carol and Roland's party. Caleb had fun being passed around to everybody. He was good all night long but stayed up until we left at 10.
The next post will be all Christmas Day pictures!!!

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Danielle said...

Caleb is so cute! He looks excited about his new toy! I'm glad you had a Merry Christmas!

Cozart Family said...

Hi Ami, Thanks for the info on the Gas Domes. Its so strange how it bubbles out of the ground like that. You baby is so cute and the cookie class was fun. I enjoyed getting to know you. Have a good week and thanks again.

Anonymous said...

So where are the pictures?? And those cookies look yummy! I bet Justin ate them all! Hope you guys had a Happy New Year! Amy