Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Can't fix stupid.....

Wow, do I feel dumb! And by dumb, I mean DUM. I can't believe that in my post from THURSDAY, I misspelled THURSDAY not once but TWICE! I guess next time I shouldn't rush through my post trying to finish it before I leave work.

Anyways, I wanted to apologize to the few family and friends that read this blog and expect pictures. Yeah, picture taking has not been on my list of priorities lately. Mainly because we haven't done much but yet never seem like we are at home. It's March and my Christmas decorations are skewed all over our spare bedroom still. But that can't last for much longer because we finally bought our BED!!! So our bed right now will go into the spare room and the box spring and frame in that room will get junked. I can't wait for Friday when it gets delivered! Friday is also the day when I get my wisdom teeth yanked out of my head. Oh the pain will finally be gone. The things I look forward to now as an adult....new bed and no more wisdom teeth.

Have a great week everyone!


Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

Ami, I feel so badly that I didn't (A) see the misspelling and (B) give you the heads up! I guess that makes me some terrible editor, huh? I better double check my newscast before it hits air!

Confessions From A Working Mom

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

Hey Ami, guess what?!?!?!? You are the first winner of the Memory Minder giveaway on my blog for my birthday party! You get to pick which one you want... just visit my blog, check it out, then email mem to let me know which one you want!


Ami said...

I emailed you from work! Yay me!