Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

Confessions from a Working Mom
Truthful Tuesday time and Elizabeth's has a good question for today......
What's the best excuse you've ever used to get out of an obligation, like work, school, or chores? (And did you get away with it?)
Once I read the question I already knew my answer. It just happens to be the same answer Elizabeth went with too - Sick baby and no sleep for mom excuse!
I may or may not over use this excuse. But it works because technically YOU aren't sick so there is no faking it the next day! I usually say teething and he didn't sleep but I do mix it up and say sick too. It's fun to stay home with Bubby and play, go to the park, do a little Target shopping during the week day when only other SAHM are there. Even get to watch a little daytime TV when he goes down for a nap.
I've also used the "been in the bathroom all night" excuse too. Every body's been there and understands what you mean but nobody really asks questions. Perfect for getting out of work on a Monday, blame it on the food at a new restaurant you tried over the weekend.
I guess you can say I play hookie a lot, before Justin and I had Caleb we would call in sick together, then go to the beach with the dog for the day.....oh how I wish I could have one of those days again! My job has never been my life and I do have a very strong work ethic but sometimes you just need a break and have some fun during the week when everyone else is at work!


The (Un)Experienced Mom said...

Another excuse that works just as well as "blaming the kids for being sick" excuse is the "female problems" excuse. Especially if boss is a male, you won't hear any questions! ;-)


Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I'm so glad you participated today! I'm back at work-- but now it's ME who is sick. I just can't justify taking two precious sick days off in a row... in JANUARY, no less! I don't get enough of them as it is!

Confessions From A Working Mom

Anonymous said...

lol using Caleb as a scapegoat, poor Bubby! But I know what you mean, sometimes you just need a day to do nothing!! Hope the job is going well for you after the earlier drama!

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

Where have you been lately, chica? I hope everything's going all right!

Confessions From A Working Mom

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

LOL about your facebook obsession-- get off your blackberry and come back to blogger!!!

Confessions From A Working Mom